Simplify Your Mileage Tracking with Minute7: The Ultimate Mileage App Tracking Software

Created by Debbie Sabin on August 09, 2023


Keeping track of mileage can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially for businesses and individuals who rely on accurate mileage logs for expense reimbursement. However, with the advancement in technology, there is a solution that can make this process seamless and efficient - mileage app tracking software. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits, features, and pricing of Minute7, a leading mileage app tool, and highlight its integration capabilities with QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop.

Mobile Mileage Tracking App with Minute7

Gone are the days of manually recording your mileage in a spreadsheet. Minute7 offers a user-friendly and intuitive mileage app that simplifies the entire process. By using Minute7, you can easily track and record your mileage with just a few taps on your smartphone. No more hassle of manual calculations or missing out on important mileage logs!

Benefits of Using Minute7

Time-saving: With Minute7, you can save valuable time by automating the mileage tracking process. Instead of spending hours compiling and calculating your mileage logs, Minute7 does it all for you, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Accuracy: Manual mileage tracking is prone to errors and omissions. Minute7 eliminates these issues by automatically capturing accurate mileage data and ensuring that nothing gets missed. Say goodbye to the headache of reconciling discrepancies in your mileage records.

Effortless Reimbursement: Whether you're an employee seeking reimbursement from your employer or a business owner managing employee reimbursements, Minute7 makes the process effortless.

Features of Minute7

Categorization: With Minute7, you can categorize your trips based on clients and projects. This feature is particularly useful for organizations in the service-based industry.

Customization: Minute7 allows you to customize mileage rates based on your specific needs. Whether you're reimbursing at a standard rate or have different rates for different purposes, Minute7 can accommodate your requirements.

Accounting Integration: Minute7 seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop, making it easy to import your mileage data into your accounting software. This integration saves you time and reduces the chances of manual errors during data entry.

24/7 Access. Anywhere. Anytime: Minute7 is a free download in both the Android and iOS app store marketplace

Pricing and Free Trial

Minute7 offers simple and affordable pricing. The cost per user is only $8 per month with zero setup fees or support fees.

To get started and experience the benefits of Minute7 firsthand, sign up for a free trial today! The trial period allows you to explore all the features and functionalities of the app without any commitment.


With Minute7, you can streamline your mileage tracking, save time, ensure accuracy, and simplify the reimbursement process. The app's seamless integration with QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop further enhances its value for businesses. So, why wait?

Sign up for Minute7's free trial today and revolutionize your mileage tracking experience!